Prayer and Faith Journal Prompts
- Be still. What is God telling you now?
- Describe a blessing that happened this week.
- Describe a time in your life where God has rescued you. Do you believe He’ll do it again?
- Describe a time when God used a bad situation for your good.
- Describe a time where you believed God spoke to you.
- Ecclesiastes tells us there is a season for everything. What season are you in right now?
- How can you be a light to others in a dark world?
- How can you serve God better?
- If you are struggling through something, what do you think God wants you to learn?
- Pick a bible character. What can we learn from his/her life?
- The bible specifically speaks of joy, not happiness. In what way are they different?
- What do you feel God is asking you to change?
- What do you need to confess to God?
- When do you feel most distant from God?
- Write 5 scripture verses that make you feel strong and courageous.
- Write a prayer of surrender to God.
- Write a scripture that brings you joy. How can you apply it to your life?
- Write a scripture that brings you peace. What is God saying to you?